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W.T. Gidney (1852/3-1909), The History of the London Society For Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews, From 1809 to 1908

London: London Society For Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews, 1908. Hbk. pp.672.

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W.T. Gidney (1852/3-1909), The History of the London Society For Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews, From 1809 to 1908


  • Preface
  • Author's Preface
  1. Early Efforts to Evangelise the Jews
  2. History of the Jews in England
  3. Formation of the Society
  4. Reconstruction of Church Lines
  5. Home Matters, Financial and Missionary
  6. Holland: The First Foreign Station
  7. Israel in Russia
  8. The Russian Poland Mission
  9. The Great Pioneer Missionary
  10. India
  11. Jerusalem - "The City of the Great King"
  12. A Batch of German Stations
  13. France, Switzerland, Swden, Denmark and Spain
  14. The Home Personnel of the Society
  15. Agressive Era in Home Missions
  16. The Continental Stations
  17. Missions in the Ottoman Empire - Constantinople and Smyrna
  18. Permanent Establishment of the Jerusalem Mission
  19. Arabia Visited by Dr. Wolff
  20. The Barbary States
  21. Wolff's Viists to Jews in Central Asia
  22. Episcipal Patronage and the Jerusalem Bishopric
  23. The Metroplis, Provinces and Special Funds
  24. The European Missions
  25. Frist Few Years of the Bishopric of Jerusalem and Consecration of Christ Church
  26. Other Stations in the Holy Land
  27. Asiatic and African Missions
  28. The Society's Home Affairs
  29. The Western Mission Field
  30. The Western Mission Field (continued)
  31. The Eastern Mission Field
  32. The Southern Shores of the Mediterranean
  33. The Jubilee
  34. Administrative Matters
  35. The Home Mission Again
  36. Missions in Protestant Europe
  37. Missions in Roman Catholic Europe
  38. Missions in Mohammedan Europe
  39. The Abyssinia Mission
  40. Work in Jerusalem and the East
  41. With Israel in Egypt and South Africa
  42. The Society at Home
  43. "Fightings and Fears Within, Without"
  44. Work in Great Britain and Ireland
  45. In Western Europe
  46. In the Ghettos of Cetral Europe
  47. Amongst the Sephardim of Southern Europe
  48. In Bible Lands
  49. An Awakening in Persia
  50. Under the Shadow of the Cross in Abyssinia
  51. Among the Mugrabi Jews of Arica
  52. Forward Movements at Home
  53. Increased Church Interest in Missions to Jews
  54. Re-Organisation of the Home Mission
  55. Among the Continental Jewries
  56. Bullding Era in Palestine Missions
  57. Persia, Damscus, and Smyrna
  58. A Time of Misery and Tears in Abyssinia
  59. Along the North Coast of Africa
  60. The Outlook from the Society's House
  61. Work in England and Ireland
  62. Work on the Continent
  63. A Last Visit to the Holy Land
  64. Asia, Africa and America
  65. Results
  66. Problems
  • Appendix I
  • Appendix II
  • Appendix III
  • Appendix IV
  • Index

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